Monday, April 6, 2009

maybe it's time to squat some more

for two months now i've been wanting to do this wod. why? because it is one of the only wod's that has back squats in it and i'd been doing heavy back squats (heavy for me anyways) 1-2/wk for the last two months. fast forward two months. i haven't done a heavy back squat in at least a month if i've done them at all since this wod was posted. conclusion-daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn.

back squats 133#
ring dips (skinny black band)

19 even.

if you can do sets of 5-7 of the weight that's not so bad. when you're essentially doing 40 singles throughout the tends to take a while. my ass and quads have started cramping already but i'll learn not to neglect my back squat again won't i?

ring dips felt solid. i've been trying to do high volume ring dips with the smallest band so that i can attain one of my goals for 09. (ring dips...if you couldn't guess). sometimes i feel like i'm close but somedays it feels like it is so far away.

FOOD: i know i said i was done posting food but that's before i decided to eat everything i could possibly think of, want, desire, in the past couple weeks. i think i may be depressed without realizing it because i do not give a second thought to what i put in my mouth. fortunately my clothes still fit and performance hasn't been noticeably crappy. although recovery hasn't been great but that's why i'm back to logging.

1130 3P/2C/5F
2 eggs
3 slices turkey bacon
1 box raisins

1430 2.5P/2C/5F
3 oz ground turkey
1/2 oz ff shredded cheese
1 ww lc hf tortilla
1 c. strawberries
1 dove sf dark choc

1830 3P/1C/7F
3 oz steak
1 c. green beans

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