Monday, May 4, 2009

back with a vengeance

so it's been a little while...sorry life got in the way. and you haven't missed much except for a month of HORRIBLE eating. i have recommitted myself to a few of my 2009 goals which i guess i've never really listed but i'll have to work up a complete list later. probably my most desired goal (not likely to be first that happens) is to conquer muscle ups. so first i have got to get better pullups and ring dips(at all). so in order to accomplish these as soon as possible i've decided on the following plan.

4x/ week to do the following IN ADDITION to the wod
10 deadhang (however i can...right now with a band because i'm just that cool)
10 weighted total pullups (can be sets or singles just depends on the weight that day)
3 static holds 1 min time- eventually will be at top, middle and bottom of pu

Ring dips- decided that instead of doing 10 total in warm up to do at a minimum 5x5

After a month I'll evaluate and see if it's helping anything or what needs to change.

10 deadhang (1-1-1-1-2-2-1-1)
5x5 ring dips (small band)
3 static holds for 1 min- all at bottom with lats engaged as if "trying" to pull. fyi- the first one is easy. the last one...not so much
**don't have a weight vest and not smart enough to do pu with a db between feet. will get vest soon***

Todays wod:
800 m run
thrusters 73#
800m run

one thing that's been on my mind for a while is that because i always use a womens bar (which i LOVE and won't give up...just try and take it from me) i never actually do the workouts rx'd. it's usually 2# less. well if 2# less "shouldn't make that much difference" neither should 3# more. plus it's always good to lift more weight :)

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