Monday, May 18, 2009

this time i'll give it an actual shot

Back in February (i think) a cfj article came out "CrossFit Strength Bias" and I told myself I was going to do it. I don't really remember why I never did. I started supplementing in strength work back around November because I wanted to get to where I could do the wods as rx'd. Here I am 6-7 months later and while I can do the weight most of the time it's usually pretty close to my 1RM. Which in case you were wondering does NOT make for a fast or easy workout. So here I am.... going to give it a go. Except this time I'm going to do at least the six week cycle. I figure since I did the CFT yesterday and I've maxed most lifts in the last month it's as good of time as any to be able to gauge how much strength I actually gain from this little diddy. For easy referencing and because I need them to be able to figure out what to start the program at (they say 15-20% lower than your max in that rep scheme) :

BS 168
FS 138
OHS 113
SP 75
PP 98 (3)
PJ 103(5)
SnPJ 113
SJ 103 **
PC 103
SC 108
C&J 103
SN- 63**
Thruster 103
DL 243, but 233 and 183x5 is the highest with good form

**I would max both snatch and split jerk since I know I can get more but I'm trying to drill technique since the cert and don't want to jack it up**

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