Wednesday, May 13, 2009

pullups are the anti-christ

okay that may be a little extreme but seriously. sure i can kip a pullup but consecutively? not so much. deadhang. uh no. weighted? somewhat but not many. chest to bar? ugh what a pain. even when i can do them my hands rip...which i've really got to start looking into...i'm thinking my grip needs to be stronger.

5/11/09 Baseline wod
500 m row
40 squats
30 situps
20 pushups (i've got to start doing these in warmup) she says for the hundredth time
10 pullups



3 rds of :
15 CTB pullups (on slanted bar) not all hit bar
10 burpees
7 power clean 83#


the last round of pullups took forever because i'm a big whiny baby when my hands start to rip. i didn't get ctb on all of these. i'm really starting to like burpees but it might be because they don't make my hands hurt. i love cleans. i would do cleans all damn day if i could. i'd do them for a job if someone would pay me. LOVE.


  1. dead lift homey, will help the grip, and keep those callous edges shaved down.

  2. one word...PedEgg...or maybe its two

  3. hans- i love that deadlift is your answer for everything :)

    christi- i've got one. i think i've got the cause figured comes the fun part of solving it.
