Monday, May 18, 2009

thank you coach b

Started CFSB but this week is a little jacked because I was not starting with squats since all that hurts me is my bottom half. So it's a "little" off this week. Btw- before you think I'm being a little punk let me explain my weight selection. It says to take whatever your max was in that particular rep scheme and go 15-20% lower. So yes I realize all weights will be low for a little while but it'll help improve form and just get you used to doing all the different lifting and metcon work together.

SP 53x5 53x5 58x5

10-7-4 with one min rest in between complete sets

I already messed it up. 1) you're not supposed to use straight sets but ascending sets. Oops(that's why I threw the 58 in there at the end). One thing I did start doing is since I know all the ways I help myself "cheat" I can call myself on them. In shoulder press- using the reflex/bounce/whatever from overhead to chest to overhead on the next rep. Stopped all reps at the chest and made sure to start from a dead stop. It really did make it harder. 45# felt easy on this rep scheme so I have to go up next time.

WOD: Get 5000# from ground to overhead anyway you want. With any weight/rep scheme.

When I saw this I was like hells yeah I'm going for 55 or 65. Then Jason in his infinite wisdom says "do what you suck at". If you have trouble pushing yourself on metcon choose a lightweight. If you have trouble at heavier weights, go heavy (duh). Technically I should've tried to do 100# but my back is still so jacked from broad jumps and then dl yesterday it would not have happened. Not to mention the fact I probably would've had to squat clean after the first ten.

60 reps at 83#- 9:21

What I'm STOKED about....
Last grace (3/20/09) 30 reps at 83# 5:32
first 30 reps were done somewhere between 4-4:10 BAM!

and I push jerked my first 53 reps instead of split jerk...effectively. Like I only pressed out two. Which is then why I switched to split jerk. Coach B's different landing positions was like a little lightbulb going off in my head. Now if I could only get to "pockets" on the clean. The only pockets I'm getting to is if I was a banger :)

FOOD (since laura is supposed to be holding me accountable)
1430 hrs 3P/2C/7F
3 oz ground turkey
1/2 oz. ff shredded cheese
1 WW LC HF tortilla (.44 block)
tbsp tomato sauce and seasoning (garlic, onion, chili)
3 dill pickles
21 cashews

1930 5P/1C (at outback thank you very much)
5 oz chix breast
1 c. green beans

2100 2P/2C/10F
2 oz string cheese
3/4 c. strawberries
30 cashews

2145 :) 8F
24 cashews

so i've been reading up on intermittent fasting (or feasting) however you want to look at it. and with my crazy schedule i basically do it anyways give or take an hour so i decided i'd try it intentionally for a few weeks and see what i think. so fast for 15-19 (right now barely made the 15) and then get all your blocks in during your "feeding time"...mine is 9 hrs.

also i'm hoping looking at laura's log will help me remember my fish oil which i only take a tablespoon or so since it thins your blood but we'll see if it helps with anything.

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