Sunday, May 17, 2009

yeah i know i'm lazy about keeping this updated

Burgener warmup w/PVC and 15#
Snatch balance- triples up to 83#
OHS up to 103# (ran out of time)

Coach B said that your OHS and Snatch Balance should be equal. FYI - before today my snatch balance was 68 and my OHS was 113. So he said to work snatch balance to get the "speed through the middle". It's getting better.

WOD: 5 rds for time:
4 ctb pu/4 ring dips(skinny band)
30 wallball 12# (seriously THIRTY! what is this...kelly?)
6 SDHP 88 mother f-ing lbs

on a good note (i rarely am positive on this thing so this is my little ray of sunshine for the day)...wall balls at 10' are getting much better. i did a wod with 16# the other day at 10
which really made a difference. if you want something to be easier do it harder/heavier/faster once and it will "feel" easier. I should've done SDHP at lighter weight. not because i care about my time but because i was physically incapable of getting my elbows over my ears on all of them. oh. well. this is one of those workouts that you don't care if you're the first person done, the middle or come in dead fucking last just as long as it's OVER.

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