Thursday, May 7, 2009

you don't have to workout on your birthday

i usually work out wednesday and take thursday off but wed was my b-day. PLUS the workout had pushups which i despise ever since academy. so i decided not to go and switch rest days. which still leaves me doing pushups on thursday but that's okay. now that i'm a year older i can handle them better. JK.


10 DH pullups (blue band) 2-2-1-1-1-1-1-1
10 Weighted pullups 10#x3 x3 x3 x1
5x5 ring dips

10 rds for time:
10 deadlifts 103# (oops)
10 pushups


i felt like pushups went really well for the first six rounds or so and then after that the first five of each rd would be good. the last five though...ugh. singles just to get them to count.


  1. Happy Birthday on Wednesday! Obviously, push ups weren't that much of a problem for you. Geez--10:08? I'm used to you beating me, but THAT is ridiculous! I only made it straight through 2 rounds of push ups. I really thought I was better at them than that. Good job!

  2. i don't think i made it straight through on any rounds on pushups. just tried to make up time on dl and short (like one breath) breaks on pushups.
