Monday, June 22, 2009

a new way for helen to suck

i would spend five hours a day at the gym if i could. not necessarily working out the whole time but just messing around with different stuff. however right now it's too damn hot to do that. (be warned...i will be complaining about the heat more in the next few months. its what us northerners do).

FS- worked up to 148 (10# PR) still felt pretty solid

Pushy Helen
3 rds for time:
400 m run
21 kb swings 1pd
12 hspu (band assist)

almost the same as my last normal helen. hspu i have to break up because my shoulders will fail. pullups my grip fails. it's always something :)

oh yeah...

100 box jumps. my preemptive penalty for going out for margaritas and queso. well worth it.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

heat makes me slow. and sweaty.


2 snatch on the min for 10 minutes 63#
caught full on every one. for once these felt good. i know this isn't a heavy weight but i hadn't done this many at a time and not done power snatch so i stayed light. what is good is that it actually felt light. i might have to do a one rep max coming up soon just to see.

CFFB wod
PP 75#
Ring dips (blue hard...cause i haven't worked on them in forever...sigh)
Cal Row (subbed 2x SDHP 35#)

This workout was terrible. I almost quit...more than once. It was hot, I think I was dehydrated, I know I was whiny. Blah.

OHS 83x3 93x3 103x3 113x3 118x3 123x1
previous- 3rm-103, 1rm 113
**i always drop my OHS because I'm terrible at lowering weight behind my neck so I power cleaned all weights up to 113. 10# more than I'd done before

Helen 11:14 rxd (PR by 10 sec)

OHS felt SOLID. I'm not sure if I'm actually getting stronger at getting weight overhead or just getting more efficient at jerking but 123 went up easy where I've failed on 113 over and over before. Helen is just another conundrum for me...if you try to run faster your kbs and pullups suffer. If you don't run faster it's hard to cut much time. First round was at three minutes...would really like to keep that would make me much happier.

Running squatting grace
15 squat clean & jerk93#
400 m run
10 squat clean & jerk
400 m run
5 squat clean & jerk
400 m run


squat cleans SUCK compared to power clean. but this did make me realize i've got a rx'd grace in me which makes me happy.

SJ 93-103-113-113-118-118-123(PR)

PC- 2 on the min for 15 min, if you miss do 5 burpees 100#, missed 1 in round 10

working on getting lower instead of pushing the weight on jerks...felt average to good. power cleans are my new best friend lately. these felt good until about rd 13 and that's just cause i got tired. missed the one cause i was trying to concentrate on waiting longer to "jump" and i lost the speed component entirely.

Friday, June 12, 2009

at least i have an excuse this time

yes i got behind AGAIN. big shocker. but i have an excuse because i was on vacay and don't have access to a computer. and for some reason i can't post on this thing on my phone...

Snatch balance 63x3x3 73x3 73x2 83x1x3

DL 153#
HSPU (band assist)

last time was 12:58 with 173# first rd and 153# from there on out. i'll take it

2K row-8:50

first time doing the row so at least i have something to work with now.

6/9 CF MN
7 (actually six) rounds:
7 OHS 85#
12 box jumps (multiple heights...lots of people doing wod)
15 cal row
15 :47

miscounted rounds. shit. but i did discover that there is a DRASTIC difference between trying to OHS 85 and 95 in wods. i failed miserable with 93 in heavy nancy the other day for 7 reps. 85 i didn't have to break up a set once. good to know for power output

5 rounds for time:
15 thrusters 65#
21 double unders

first rd of thrusters was unbroken. i think 3-5 were broken into sets of fives :( thrusters NEVER get easier. and they break your wrists. did this one at my old HS weight room and the fb team was there. they gave me the "wtf" look. then when i was doing double unders this kid goes "impressive...i have trouble with singles". cf.

Five rounds for time:
5 kb snatch each arm
5 kb swing each arm
10 burpees 6:57 1/2 pd (all I had)
Last time 7:59 with 20# is not easy to snatch or swing a kb one handed when
1. your hands are ripped
2. there is no chalk
3. the kb is brand new and painted with slick black paint

6/5 CF Iowa
9 rds for time:
1 c&j 63#
8 burpees
1 snatch 63#
8 pullups
18:17 rxd

pullups were soooooooooooooo slow. they have bigger pullup bars which is great for the whole constantly varied aspect but suuuuuuuuuuck for my grip. snatches were strangely difficult. i was muscle snatching for some reason. ugh whatev.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


when i woke up today and read the wod i was pumped because i was going to shoulder press yesterday and didn't get to...and because annie is one of my favorite wods.

SP 3x5 63-63-65
might be PR for five reps...can't remember

double unders
sit ups

jason imposed an 8 min cut off. my pr on annie was 8:20 last time. situps were unbroken but i struggled with the set of 40 DU's. got cut off with four mother fing situps left. so what would've been a pr was turned into my first cf wod that i've ever DNF'd on. that leaves you feeling craaaaaaaaaaaaaaappy.

i am going to rule annie's world next time. dirty tramp.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

change of plans

i was actually pretty pumped to do the posted wod today (weighted pullups and an interesting front squat/burpee smoker that jason concocted). however during aaron's 1 on 1 i was demonstrating burpees and ahhhhhhhhhhhhh hell no am i doing burpees on my ankle today. so since i had wanted to do the cffb wod from monday i thought god was speaking to me through my injury. plus lucky for me hans is a sucker so i even had a partner for it.

2 power cleans on the min for 15 min. Use 80-85% of 1RM.

I used 93# because first of all i don't even know my 1RM for power clean but i was fairly confident that i could move this weight that many times while still concentrating on form. I'm still trying to subtract the "bump" off my LOWER thighs that I somehow do when i clean. My main goal today was just to jump the weight up, as in straight up. That part was going well but then I was told I was moving's always something with o-lifts. Last five minutes felt pretty solid minus one where i pulled it into my chest. (I mean how could I not it's so massive :) ) But I wasn't hitting it off my legs, it was quicker and holy shit I actually met the bar when receiving vs letting it crash.

Oh, and the wider grip is like magic for a quicker turnover.


DL (sets of 3) 185-185-185-185-185

felt heavy for some reason. constant struggle to not let back round.

WOD: 6 min cut off
50 pullups
50 wallballs 12#

whew...close one. i got out a 10# ball and jason gave me the "really" look. i was like well pullups take me a long time. his answer "do jumping pullups and go heavier". i would've listened except i really think it'd been like a week since i did pullups aside for warmup (and even then i don't do them everytime...shhhhhhhhhh). in my grand planning i decided to do pullups on the inside of the pullup bar so i could 1)see the clock and 2)not have to move the box to do wall balls. well when i came off the pullup bar the back inch of my heel came down on the edge of the box and that my friends is simply not enough to support me. so i quickly landed square on my ass on the box and rolled off the side...all in about two seconds. thought i wasn't hurt so i continued on. i missed a bunch of wall 10. UGH. thank god for the countdown and laura's always positive encouragement :)