Friday, June 12, 2009

at least i have an excuse this time

yes i got behind AGAIN. big shocker. but i have an excuse because i was on vacay and don't have access to a computer. and for some reason i can't post on this thing on my phone...

Snatch balance 63x3x3 73x3 73x2 83x1x3

DL 153#
HSPU (band assist)

last time was 12:58 with 173# first rd and 153# from there on out. i'll take it

2K row-8:50

first time doing the row so at least i have something to work with now.

6/9 CF MN
7 (actually six) rounds:
7 OHS 85#
12 box jumps (multiple heights...lots of people doing wod)
15 cal row
15 :47

miscounted rounds. shit. but i did discover that there is a DRASTIC difference between trying to OHS 85 and 95 in wods. i failed miserable with 93 in heavy nancy the other day for 7 reps. 85 i didn't have to break up a set once. good to know for power output

5 rounds for time:
15 thrusters 65#
21 double unders

first rd of thrusters was unbroken. i think 3-5 were broken into sets of fives :( thrusters NEVER get easier. and they break your wrists. did this one at my old HS weight room and the fb team was there. they gave me the "wtf" look. then when i was doing double unders this kid goes "impressive...i have trouble with singles". cf.

Five rounds for time:
5 kb snatch each arm
5 kb swing each arm
10 burpees 6:57 1/2 pd (all I had)
Last time 7:59 with 20# is not easy to snatch or swing a kb one handed when
1. your hands are ripped
2. there is no chalk
3. the kb is brand new and painted with slick black paint

6/5 CF Iowa
9 rds for time:
1 c&j 63#
8 burpees
1 snatch 63#
8 pullups
18:17 rxd

pullups were soooooooooooooo slow. they have bigger pullup bars which is great for the whole constantly varied aspect but suuuuuuuuuuck for my grip. snatches were strangely difficult. i was muscle snatching for some reason. ugh whatev.

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