Sunday, June 21, 2009

heat makes me slow. and sweaty.


2 snatch on the min for 10 minutes 63#
caught full on every one. for once these felt good. i know this isn't a heavy weight but i hadn't done this many at a time and not done power snatch so i stayed light. what is good is that it actually felt light. i might have to do a one rep max coming up soon just to see.

CFFB wod
PP 75#
Ring dips (blue hard...cause i haven't worked on them in forever...sigh)
Cal Row (subbed 2x SDHP 35#)

This workout was terrible. I almost quit...more than once. It was hot, I think I was dehydrated, I know I was whiny. Blah.

OHS 83x3 93x3 103x3 113x3 118x3 123x1
previous- 3rm-103, 1rm 113
**i always drop my OHS because I'm terrible at lowering weight behind my neck so I power cleaned all weights up to 113. 10# more than I'd done before

Helen 11:14 rxd (PR by 10 sec)

OHS felt SOLID. I'm not sure if I'm actually getting stronger at getting weight overhead or just getting more efficient at jerking but 123 went up easy where I've failed on 113 over and over before. Helen is just another conundrum for me...if you try to run faster your kbs and pullups suffer. If you don't run faster it's hard to cut much time. First round was at three minutes...would really like to keep that would make me much happier.

Running squatting grace
15 squat clean & jerk93#
400 m run
10 squat clean & jerk
400 m run
5 squat clean & jerk
400 m run


squat cleans SUCK compared to power clean. but this did make me realize i've got a rx'd grace in me which makes me happy.

SJ 93-103-113-113-118-118-123(PR)

PC- 2 on the min for 15 min, if you miss do 5 burpees 100#, missed 1 in round 10

working on getting lower instead of pushing the weight on jerks...felt average to good. power cleans are my new best friend lately. these felt good until about rd 13 and that's just cause i got tired. missed the one cause i was trying to concentrate on waiting longer to "jump" and i lost the speed component entirely.

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