Tuesday, June 2, 2009

change of plans

i was actually pretty pumped to do the posted wod today (weighted pullups and an interesting front squat/burpee smoker that jason concocted). however during aaron's 1 on 1 i was demonstrating burpees and ahhhhhhhhhhhhh hell no am i doing burpees on my ankle today. so since i had wanted to do the cffb wod from monday i thought god was speaking to me through my injury. plus lucky for me hans is a sucker so i even had a partner for it.

2 power cleans on the min for 15 min. Use 80-85% of 1RM.

I used 93# because first of all i don't even know my 1RM for power clean but i was fairly confident that i could move this weight that many times while still concentrating on form. I'm still trying to subtract the "bump" off my LOWER thighs that I somehow do when i clean. My main goal today was just to jump the weight up, as in straight up. That part was going well but then I was told I was moving slow....it's always something with o-lifts. Last five minutes felt pretty solid minus one where i pulled it into my chest. (I mean how could I not it's so massive :) ) But I wasn't hitting it off my legs, it was quicker and holy shit I actually met the bar when receiving vs letting it crash.

Oh, and the wider grip is like magic for a quicker turnover.


  1. a sucker??? really? i thought i was just being a good bff by doing the wod you wanted :)

  2. that's part of being a good bff is being a sucker when your bff asks something of you
