Tuesday, June 2, 2009


DL (sets of 3) 185-185-185-185-185

felt heavy for some reason. constant struggle to not let back round.

WOD: 6 min cut off
50 pullups
50 wallballs 12#

whew...close one. i got out a 10# ball and jason gave me the "really" look. i was like well pullups take me a long time. his answer "do jumping pullups and go heavier". i would've listened except i really think it'd been like a week since i did pullups aside for warmup (and even then i don't do them everytime...shhhhhhhhhh). in my grand planning i decided to do pullups on the inside of the pullup bar so i could 1)see the clock and 2)not have to move the box to do wall balls. well when i came off the pullup bar the back inch of my heel came down on the edge of the box and that my friends is simply not enough to support me. so i quickly landed square on my ass on the box and rolled off the side...all in about two seconds. thought i wasn't hurt so i continued on. i missed a bunch of wall balls..like 10. UGH. thank god for the countdown and laura's always positive encouragement :)

1 comment:

  1. Umm...always positive? If you say so...

    I'm so jealous that you could do this workout as prescribed. It is so frustrating having to sub EVERYTHING! Anyway--great job on getting this one in the time limit!
