Saturday, February 28, 2009

my poor poor shoulders

so i had been wanting to do the mainsite wod from monday all week. didn't have a rower so had to sub 400m run. which sadly enough might actually be faster than my 500m row cause i'm pathetic at rowing. thought i'd be able to do it as rx'd but it's a lot more push presses than it originally looked. dropped to 73# about halfway through second round...moved much better although still not easy by any means. it's still crazy to me how different it is lifting a weight during a wod (when tired) vs. when you're just lifting. i guess that's kind of the point huh...i'm just so smart :)

Run 400m/21 push presses 83#
Run 400m/18 push presses 83/73#
Run 400m/15 push presses 73#
Run 400m/12 push presses 73#

i thought i'd be complaining about how cold it was but i was sweating my ass off


100 ft walking lunge/21 pullups/21 situps
100 ft walking lunge/18 pullups/18 situps
100 ft walking lunge/15 pullups/15 situps
100 ft walking lunge/12 pullups/12 situps
100 ft walking lunge/9 pullups/9 situps (12 oops)
100 ft walking lunge/6 pullups/6 situps


done after very little sleep. that's alot of pullups for me. love them and hate them all at the same time.

diet has been total shit for two days now. life got in the way and food took a backseat. hopefully will get squared away soon.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

oh diane

so today i almost did what i said i was going to do and make an intelligent choice. but i let someone talk me out of it. that was stupid. deadlifts were HARD. and fuuuuuuuuugly. i think i was down to singles about 8 into the first round. however i do love me some handstand pushups.


1st rd 173#/unassisted hspu (sketchy ROM)
2 & 3 153#/band assist hspu


last time i did this was 9/2/08 with 115# and box hspu (7:18).

1530 3P/6F
2 eggs
2 bacon

1900 3P/2C/4F
3 oz steak
1 c. green beans
dove sf dark choc

2230 1P/4F
1 oz string cheese

0130 1P/2C/4F
1 oz string cheese

0430 3P/3F
2 eggs
2 bacon

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

another first

one of the many things i love about crossfit is that it challenges you to do things you've never done, never thought you could do or told yourself you never would do. i should know better than to say that i can't or won't but sometimes you just think "yeah okay."

today i climbed a rope for the first time. damn right. I CLIMBED A ROPE. i'm sure that's not a big deal for alot of people but they can f- off because it's a big deal to me. it's kind of like pullups. i was pretty sure i just wasn't ever going to be able to do it. well crossfit threw that in my face. i was wrong...again.

Rest Day (not because it was supposed to be but because Jason said so)

Handstands- 6 holds of 30 seconds...that last ten seconds suuuuuuuuuuuuucks

Rope Climbs- I think it was 3-4 but i know my forearms hurt and were shaking after

1130 1P/4F
1 oz string cheese

1300 3P/2C/6F
3 oz steak

1700 1P/1C/2F
1 oz string cheese
1/2 apple

2030 3P/1C/6F
3 oz ground turkey
1 oz ff shredded cheese
1 sf chocolate

2300 2P/2C/2F
2 oz string cheese

0100 2P/6F
2 oz string cheese

0430 3P
2 eggs
2 pieces bacon

in my defense this was like a 20 hr day. i don't usually eat this many times :)

Monday, February 23, 2009

ooh i kind of like this

so one of my goals for 2009 is to do "man fran". that's right 21-15-9 of 95# thrusters and pullups. today i had planned to do a shorter version of it and it was actually a "thruster" day so it worked out well. the most of i've ever done for thrusters was a 5 rep max of 88# but i figured what the hell we'll see how it's not like there's a time limit.

initially i was thinking of testing the waters with a very LOW rep scheme like 6-4-2 or something. apparently i was wrong since hans looked at me with disgust when i said it. FINE.

oh i decided to throw in bench press since i didn't want to squat or do overhead work since that would be tested later. plus if i never do bench press how am i ever going to do "linda"? RIIIIIIGHT.

BP 73x5 78x5 83x5 83x5 83x3 - sadly the 5 rep is a PR. before i always got a touch of spot on the last two reps. felt pretty easy the first set and then not so much (hence the three)

Short Man Fran
9 thrusters/18 pullups
7 thrusters/14 pullups
5 thrusters/10 pullups

8:04 93#

first round of thrusters felt good. the next two rounds felt like shit. i've got a little bit of work to do before i'm ready for the full thing. at least it's close to the right number of pullups so that makes me happy.

1000 2P/2C/2F
2 oz string cheese

1300 3P/1C/8F
3 oz ground turkey
1 oz fat free shredded cheese
1 dove sf dark choc

Sunday, February 22, 2009

just get it done

you know the days where you know you should work out but don't really want to. you don't really have the time to because you have a million other things to do. no workout sounds desirable enough to go yeah i'll go do that. this was one of those days.

i'd done this wod once in july but had used a plastic moving tub to gauge squat depth and it was WAY too high. this time actually squatted to full depth on all 300 so i'm not going to feel bad about adding 1:30 to the workout. during the workout i'd forgotten about my "less than stellar depth" last time and was like damn i'm moving did i go faster last time?

saturday, 2/21
300 squats for time
9:17 (last was 7:37)

and yes i felt much better doing something than i would've doing nothing.

1130 3P/7F
2 eggs
3 slices turkey bacon

2 slice pizza
massive amounts of chips, queso and salsa
two mixed drinks
4 hard cider
2 beer bongs
6-8 shots

we do it right at the lakin house :)

Saturday, February 21, 2009

i love cleaning (and jerking)

for a long time now if someone asks what's my favorite thing to do in crossfit my immediate answer is "clean and jerk". there's no hesitation, nothing else even enters my mind. i love grace. i love "the complex". however lately everytime i clean i've been thinking "this sucks why do i like it?"

well today was my lightbulb moment. i like cleaning heavy for singles. i like cleaning moderate weights in metcons. i DO NOT like cleaning heavy weights for metcons and trying to do it fast. i'm shitty at it. my form is shitty. i care too much about the clock. i care too much about a heavy weight. it destroys my back for 2-3 days. i simply do not like it. my entire workout today was muddled by the fact that my back is still "tender" (another name for weak) from the wod the other day. that is stupid. so i hereby pick my weights using common sense on what will increase work output and also what will allow the rest of my workouts that week to still be effective. i will not lift the heaviest weight that i physically can 30-45 times as fast i can. i'm an adult and i know better.

in trying to perfect form weights have been dropped about 20-30%. could feel tenderness in back the whole time.

DL 143x3 163x3 173x3 173x3 173x3 (last two sets sketchy)
PP 73x3 83x3 88x3 93x3 98(f)

Running Grace
10 cleans
run to fence and back
10 jerks
10 clean and jerks
10 jerks
10 cleans

6:15 63#
absolutely loved this wod. put that one in the hopper for later

SW- knees to elbows. sets of five between lifts. all completely legit which is a new feeling for me

1230 3P/7F
2 eggs
3 slices turkey bacon

1830 3P/2.5C/6F
3 oz steak
green beans
dove sf dark choc

2100 2P/2C/4F
2 oz string cheese

0330 1P/10F
**not the plan but eggs weren't cooked. the whole meal was bad news***

Thursday, February 19, 2009

3 minutes and 54 seconds...completely worth it

so since doing this 21 day challenge i've had probably two occasions where i wanted to eat something and then i hate burpees. FYI- if you break the challenge (cheat on diet) you have to do 50 burpees for each occasion. well i've had lunch with a friend planned for like a week and a half and we ALWAYS go to OTB (On the Border). i think the mexican gods would probably put a curse on our homes if we didn't. so i knew well ahead of time that i was going to be doing fifty lovely burpees on my rest day.

50 burpees 3:54

abso-flippin-lutely worth it. i love queso. i'd never even tried it until like two years ago. was completely happy with life just eating salsa. "here try this"...i'm imagining this is a little like the serpent and eve in the garden. i have something i literally want all the time and can't say no to. CRAP.

the zone is a solid program and paleo isn't all that bad. but i refuse to give up vices for good...i just try to limit the amount of times i give in.

no idea what blocks were today. only ate one other meal of drunk chicken, veggies, nuts, etc.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

no crossfit wod is ever easy

went to the gym thinking it's just 4x400m how bad can it be? well for starters i don't like running. i really don't like running without music...and to add to it apparently i've been running WRONG for 26 years. plus my pretty new lifting shoes were in so if it were physically possible for me to have done o-lifts today i would have...BUT it's not because my back is destroyed from yesterday. (really need to focus on midline stabilization more but with cleans there's so much SHIT to remember...hips open, big shrug, fast elbows, drive up, blah blah blah).

all in all it was a decent day. apparently i have never done this workout before as i have no record of it. god knows how that happened. apparently i really do pick my rest days depending on if the wod is one i don't like :)

400m run
1:39 1:36 1:38 1:41

skill- pullups on straight bar instead of "my very favorite in the whole world because my hands don't rip" bar and ring dips with the skinny band

1400 3P/9F
2 eggs
3 slices turkey bacon

1730 2P/2C/4F
2 oz string cheese

2230 5P/3C/5F
5 oz steak
dill pickles
dove sf dark choc

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

i make bad decisions

so i didn't want to wake up and go to cf today. my shoulders/traps were sore, my eyes were burning, my pants were too static(y), and it was cold out. (cue the violin).

well i went. i picked a weight i thought i could do, tried it. ONCE. and then decided i was ready to start. this tends to be a theme in my workouts. note to self...for the hundreth time...just because you can execute the lift ONCE with a weight doesn't mean you can do it 30-45 times. i failed close to an equal amount of times as i was successful on this wod.

there's a discrepancy in the weight. i thought it was 103#, carl says it was #115. first of all i think i would know the difference between a men's and women's bar. second...i can't lift 115# that many times so i'll claim 103# but i'd be damn happy if it was 115#.

oh i don't notice that my traps are sore anymore.

15 squat clean
400 m run
12 squat clean
400 m run
9 squat clean
400 m run

24:10 (yep, for real)

1300 2P/2.5c/6F
3 oz ground turkey
1/2 banana
1 dove sf dc
18 cashews

1700 2P/4F
2 oz string cheese

1930 4P/2C/4F
4 oz grilled chicken
corn on cob w/butter

2330 2P/1C/7F
2 oz string cheese
2 dill pickles
1 dove sf dark choc
21 almonds

Monday, February 16, 2009

somedays you get points just for showing up

BS- 143x3 153x1 (F) 153x1 (F) clearly not happening so let's move on
PC- 83x3 93x3 98x2 98x1

Freddy's Revenge
5 rds of 5 push jerk (93#) and 10 burpees

12:57 rx'd

almost shouldn't count this because couldn't have picked the weight off the floor myself. those burpees make it a whole new ball game.

SW-kipping pullups. sets of 5 between lifts. this is the only thing that felt good today. can only link 2 but felt easy going up.


1900 3P/2.5 C/6F
3 oz steak
1 c. green beans
3 dill pickles
18 cashews
1 dove sugar free dark choc

2300 2p/6F
2 string cheese
18 cashews

0200 2P/2C/6F
2 string cheese
18 cashews

0430 3P/7F
2 eggs
2 pieces bacon
21 cashews


1240 3P/1C/7F
turkey tacos-3 oz ground turkey, 1 oz(less) fat free shredded cheese, 2 whole wheat, high fiber, low carb tortillas...that will be the last time i ever write that out (3P/1C)
cashews (7F)

1700 1P/4F
string cheese (1P)
cashews (4F)

1920 3P/2.5C/3F
3 oz steak (3P)
green beans (1.5C)
dill pickles (1)
cashews (3F)

0000 2P/2C/2F
string cheese (2P)
apple (2C)
cashews (2F)

0530 hrs 3P/8F
eggs and bacon (3P)
cashews (8F)

we'll see how this goes

What is one of my biggest struggles? Accountability. In workouts, in EATING, in life. So in order to #1 hold myself accountable and #2 have a better understanding of how what I eat affects my workouts I've committed myself to putting it all out there. There's no set time on this...could be a month or it could be for life. My guess is somewhere in the middle.


10-11 blocks protein
5 blocks carbs- limit grains to less than 2 (preferably one or none)
25 blocks fats
...and no sugar. Someday we'll work on the caffeine/artificial sweetners that compromises over half of my liquids consumed in the day but not today.

6 week cycle of CrossFit- Strength Bias (almost as rx'd)

Monday- squat, metcon (less than 15 min), skill work
Tuesday- pull (DL/cleans), metcon (less than 10 min), skill work
Wednesday- CF WOD
Thursday- REST
Friday-squat, metcon (less than 10), skill work
Saturday- press, metcon (less than 20), skill work
Sunday- REST

Metcons- power emphasis- short, heavy, explosive

Skill work- pullups, ring work, handstands, L-sits..for now. I'll have plenty more to add later.