Monday, February 23, 2009

ooh i kind of like this

so one of my goals for 2009 is to do "man fran". that's right 21-15-9 of 95# thrusters and pullups. today i had planned to do a shorter version of it and it was actually a "thruster" day so it worked out well. the most of i've ever done for thrusters was a 5 rep max of 88# but i figured what the hell we'll see how it's not like there's a time limit.

initially i was thinking of testing the waters with a very LOW rep scheme like 6-4-2 or something. apparently i was wrong since hans looked at me with disgust when i said it. FINE.

oh i decided to throw in bench press since i didn't want to squat or do overhead work since that would be tested later. plus if i never do bench press how am i ever going to do "linda"? RIIIIIIGHT.

BP 73x5 78x5 83x5 83x5 83x3 - sadly the 5 rep is a PR. before i always got a touch of spot on the last two reps. felt pretty easy the first set and then not so much (hence the three)

Short Man Fran
9 thrusters/18 pullups
7 thrusters/14 pullups
5 thrusters/10 pullups

8:04 93#

first round of thrusters felt good. the next two rounds felt like shit. i've got a little bit of work to do before i'm ready for the full thing. at least it's close to the right number of pullups so that makes me happy.

1000 2P/2C/2F
2 oz string cheese

1300 3P/1C/8F
3 oz ground turkey
1 oz fat free shredded cheese
1 dove sf dark choc

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