Monday, February 16, 2009

we'll see how this goes

What is one of my biggest struggles? Accountability. In workouts, in EATING, in life. So in order to #1 hold myself accountable and #2 have a better understanding of how what I eat affects my workouts I've committed myself to putting it all out there. There's no set time on this...could be a month or it could be for life. My guess is somewhere in the middle.


10-11 blocks protein
5 blocks carbs- limit grains to less than 2 (preferably one or none)
25 blocks fats
...and no sugar. Someday we'll work on the caffeine/artificial sweetners that compromises over half of my liquids consumed in the day but not today.

6 week cycle of CrossFit- Strength Bias (almost as rx'd)

Monday- squat, metcon (less than 15 min), skill work
Tuesday- pull (DL/cleans), metcon (less than 10 min), skill work
Wednesday- CF WOD
Thursday- REST
Friday-squat, metcon (less than 10), skill work
Saturday- press, metcon (less than 20), skill work
Sunday- REST

Metcons- power emphasis- short, heavy, explosive

Skill work- pullups, ring work, handstands, L-sits..for now. I'll have plenty more to add later.

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