Friday, May 29, 2009

catch up

rope climbs-i think 3

5 rds for time:
7 OHS 2/3 BW 93#
sprint 100m


rounds 1-2 unbroken. really struggled with getting weight overhead and keeping it locked out. wish we could've went from the rack but oh well.

snatch form

5 rds for time:
6 power snatch 63#
10 box jumps 24"

PPx3 83-88-93-98(2)-98(PR)

3 rds for time:
10 DL 133#
10 burpee pu (7')

BS 123x5 123x5 123x5
SP 53x5 58x5 58x5 i think

The Volkswagen
BW bench (scaled to 1/2 BW) 73#


3:55(PR) 82#
probably need to do it at 95 next time.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


you would think I would've been really excited to jerk some heavy shit today....ugh. it was okay but that's because I started doing my old habits when the weight got near max loads.

PJ 33X5 63x3 83x3

SJ 33x5 63x3 83x3 93-103-113(PR)-118- 123(f) i think 4x

luckily jason came in at the end and could at least tell me what i was jacking up. going forward on the dip and then the bar would get in front of me. "quit f-ing bench pressing it dude" lol. and i wasn't getting low enough.

Modified CFFB wod:
5 rds for time:
5 OHS 93#
5 box jumps 24"
5 pushups

i think i probably had to clean the bar a minimum of 10 times just from dropping it. OHS were so bad because my shoulders were SMOKED from this last cycle of wods. i guess pushups prob didn't help either....anyway.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

crazy africans (that's not racist)

today we did africa qualifier wod #1, or shall I say we attempted it.

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 of
Deadlift (70kg/155#)
Burpees (5 each round)
Squat clean & jerk (40kg/88#)

34:20 rx'd

This was HARD. Very very exhausting. I rested probably as much as I was working just due to the fact that it felt so dang heavy and I didn't want to fail and have something not count. For CFSB my wod was supposed to be 20 min...OOPS. My posterior chain is DONE for the week.

FOOD- a little more than usual since I was up longer than usual (first day back to work)
1330 2.5P/2C/7F
3 oz ground turkey
1/2 oz. ff shredded cheese
1 WW LC HF tortilla (.44 block)
tbsp tomato sauce and seasoning (garlic, onion, chili)
3/4 c. strawberries
21 cashews

1800 4P/2C/5F
4 oz steak
3 dill pickles
2 sf dark chocolates
15 cashews

2200 1P/6-7F
1 oz string cheese

0000 2P/2c/7-8F
2 oz string cheese
1 box raisins

0300 3P
2 eggs
2 slices bacon

Monday, May 18, 2009

thank you coach b

Started CFSB but this week is a little jacked because I was not starting with squats since all that hurts me is my bottom half. So it's a "little" off this week. Btw- before you think I'm being a little punk let me explain my weight selection. It says to take whatever your max was in that particular rep scheme and go 15-20% lower. So yes I realize all weights will be low for a little while but it'll help improve form and just get you used to doing all the different lifting and metcon work together.

SP 53x5 53x5 58x5

10-7-4 with one min rest in between complete sets

I already messed it up. 1) you're not supposed to use straight sets but ascending sets. Oops(that's why I threw the 58 in there at the end). One thing I did start doing is since I know all the ways I help myself "cheat" I can call myself on them. In shoulder press- using the reflex/bounce/whatever from overhead to chest to overhead on the next rep. Stopped all reps at the chest and made sure to start from a dead stop. It really did make it harder. 45# felt easy on this rep scheme so I have to go up next time.

WOD: Get 5000# from ground to overhead anyway you want. With any weight/rep scheme.

When I saw this I was like hells yeah I'm going for 55 or 65. Then Jason in his infinite wisdom says "do what you suck at". If you have trouble pushing yourself on metcon choose a lightweight. If you have trouble at heavier weights, go heavy (duh). Technically I should've tried to do 100# but my back is still so jacked from broad jumps and then dl yesterday it would not have happened. Not to mention the fact I probably would've had to squat clean after the first ten.

60 reps at 83#- 9:21

What I'm STOKED about....
Last grace (3/20/09) 30 reps at 83# 5:32
first 30 reps were done somewhere between 4-4:10 BAM!

and I push jerked my first 53 reps instead of split jerk...effectively. Like I only pressed out two. Which is then why I switched to split jerk. Coach B's different landing positions was like a little lightbulb going off in my head. Now if I could only get to "pockets" on the clean. The only pockets I'm getting to is if I was a banger :)

FOOD (since laura is supposed to be holding me accountable)
1430 hrs 3P/2C/7F
3 oz ground turkey
1/2 oz. ff shredded cheese
1 WW LC HF tortilla (.44 block)
tbsp tomato sauce and seasoning (garlic, onion, chili)
3 dill pickles
21 cashews

1930 5P/1C (at outback thank you very much)
5 oz chix breast
1 c. green beans

2100 2P/2C/10F
2 oz string cheese
3/4 c. strawberries
30 cashews

2145 :) 8F
24 cashews

so i've been reading up on intermittent fasting (or feasting) however you want to look at it. and with my crazy schedule i basically do it anyways give or take an hour so i decided i'd try it intentionally for a few weeks and see what i think. so fast for 15-19 (right now barely made the 15) and then get all your blocks in during your "feeding time"...mine is 9 hrs.

also i'm hoping looking at laura's log will help me remember my fish oil which i only take a tablespoon or so since it thins your blood but we'll see if it helps with anything.

this time i'll give it an actual shot

Back in February (i think) a cfj article came out "CrossFit Strength Bias" and I told myself I was going to do it. I don't really remember why I never did. I started supplementing in strength work back around November because I wanted to get to where I could do the wods as rx'd. Here I am 6-7 months later and while I can do the weight most of the time it's usually pretty close to my 1RM. Which in case you were wondering does NOT make for a fast or easy workout. So here I am.... going to give it a go. Except this time I'm going to do at least the six week cycle. I figure since I did the CFT yesterday and I've maxed most lifts in the last month it's as good of time as any to be able to gauge how much strength I actually gain from this little diddy. For easy referencing and because I need them to be able to figure out what to start the program at (they say 15-20% lower than your max in that rep scheme) :

BS 168
FS 138
OHS 113
SP 75
PP 98 (3)
PJ 103(5)
SnPJ 113
SJ 103 **
PC 103
SC 108
C&J 103
SN- 63**
Thruster 103
DL 243, but 233 and 183x5 is the highest with good form

**I would max both snatch and split jerk since I know I can get more but I'm trying to drill technique since the cert and don't want to jack it up**

Sunday, May 17, 2009


sometimes i feel like i treat workouts a little too much like a poker game. this is what i did with my CFT today. you'll see why.

Previous in like 02/09
BS- 163 (tied pr for like the third time)
SP- 68(not max just crappy day)
DL-243 ( definite max)


TODAY 5/17/09
BS 168 (PR) stopped after first attempt.
SP 78(f)-78(f)- 75 (tied PR)
DL 213- 233-248 (f)
476 (oh for the love of god)

i knew i could do 168. so i just started with it instead of tiring myself out. didn't attempt to go up. probably not playing by the rules i guess. SP- either my 45# bar doesn't weigh 45# or i am totally mindf-ing myself. because 75 goes up like...FAST. and 78 won't get past my nose.
DL-last time i deadlifted i struggled at 203 so i was pretty sure i wasn't getting 243 again (although i think that had something to do with food/blood sugar/whatever). 213 felt easy, 233 felt relatively hard. so what do i do. well i know i've pulled 243 so what the hell let's try 248. if it goes up great if not...what do i care. funny. it didn't even budge. i think my feet started tingling BUT i did not round my back. BAM.

PU ladder - had this grand idea since i'm working on deadhang pu to try to do it with that. ha...right. i got 3 rds. so like 6 total. with the blue band. tried to go back to 1 and start over like i saw on the awesome cfj negative ghostrider your lats are DONE.


i think one time in a crossfit gym somewhere a very stupid person said something like "running 400m is too easy let's think up something worse to do with it". thus creating the 400m lunge and now the 400m broad jumps wod. um hi...this was supposed to be REST day. REST DAY is not supposed to make you so sore you miss the next three days in your cycle of workouts. i think if you're going to be a cf trainer you should make sure you like the sound of cuss words in front of your name. as in "wtf is this crap JASON".

400 m broad jumps-11:53

dang my feet were stinging. oh this little 12 minutes of joy was preceded by front lever progressions which i think were created with the purpose of making me feel like a jackass. can i just have my barbell back now? i LIKE weights.

yeah i know i'm lazy about keeping this updated

Burgener warmup w/PVC and 15#
Snatch balance- triples up to 83#
OHS up to 103# (ran out of time)

Coach B said that your OHS and Snatch Balance should be equal. FYI - before today my snatch balance was 68 and my OHS was 113. So he said to work snatch balance to get the "speed through the middle". It's getting better.

WOD: 5 rds for time:
4 ctb pu/4 ring dips(skinny band)
30 wallball 12# (seriously THIRTY! what is this...kelly?)
6 SDHP 88 mother f-ing lbs

on a good note (i rarely am positive on this thing so this is my little ray of sunshine for the day)...wall balls at 10' are getting much better. i did a wod with 16# the other day at 10
which really made a difference. if you want something to be easier do it harder/heavier/faster once and it will "feel" easier. I should've done SDHP at lighter weight. not because i care about my time but because i was physically incapable of getting my elbows over my ears on all of them. oh. well. this is one of those workouts that you don't care if you're the first person done, the middle or come in dead fucking last just as long as it's OVER.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

pullups are the anti-christ

okay that may be a little extreme but seriously. sure i can kip a pullup but consecutively? not so much. deadhang. uh no. weighted? somewhat but not many. chest to bar? ugh what a pain. even when i can do them my hands rip...which i've really got to start looking into...i'm thinking my grip needs to be stronger.

5/11/09 Baseline wod
500 m row
40 squats
30 situps
20 pushups (i've got to start doing these in warmup) she says for the hundredth time
10 pullups



3 rds of :
15 CTB pullups (on slanted bar) not all hit bar
10 burpees
7 power clean 83#


the last round of pullups took forever because i'm a big whiny baby when my hands start to rip. i didn't get ctb on all of these. i'm really starting to like burpees but it might be because they don't make my hands hurt. i love cleans. i would do cleans all damn day if i could. i'd do them for a job if someone would pay me. LOVE.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

oh my buns hurt

so the goal of today was to get in a good sweat session (check!) without getting anymore sore since the deadlifts destroyed my glutes. i really had zero desire to do db snatches when this weekend is the oly cert and i fully expect to spend the better part of the weekend in the bottom of a squat. i don't know if i got MORE sore but i know that i'm pretty sore so this could be interesting.

5 rds for time:
20 double unders
10 wallballs (16# at 10')
1 rope climb

11:28 (i think)

okay i thought wallballs sucked enough just doing to 10'. then angie of cf iowa starts giving me crap for getting out a 12# ball. FINE. double unders were seriously impacted by the rope climb. my forearms were just a tad fatigued. rope climb felt good a couple of pointers off watching videos and they helped.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

you don't have to workout on your birthday

i usually work out wednesday and take thursday off but wed was my b-day. PLUS the workout had pushups which i despise ever since academy. so i decided not to go and switch rest days. which still leaves me doing pushups on thursday but that's okay. now that i'm a year older i can handle them better. JK.


10 DH pullups (blue band) 2-2-1-1-1-1-1-1
10 Weighted pullups 10#x3 x3 x3 x1
5x5 ring dips

10 rds for time:
10 deadlifts 103# (oops)
10 pushups


i felt like pushups went really well for the first six rounds or so and then after that the first five of each rd would be good. the last five though...ugh. singles just to get them to count.

i still don't like you

yes i'm talking to you back squats. i never "want" to do back squats. I'll do them but i don't like them. even if i lift more than last time (which might be part of why i don't like them because i rarely do lift more :) )

BS 5-3-3-1-1-1

i get stuck on the way up a lot on these suckers but i have never gotten stuck like this before. on my second time trying 168 i made it about 3/4 of the way up and stayed there for what felt like ten minutes. it was probably 5 seconds but it was seriously just ridiculous. next time.

Monday, May 4, 2009

back with a vengeance

so it's been a little while...sorry life got in the way. and you haven't missed much except for a month of HORRIBLE eating. i have recommitted myself to a few of my 2009 goals which i guess i've never really listed but i'll have to work up a complete list later. probably my most desired goal (not likely to be first that happens) is to conquer muscle ups. so first i have got to get better pullups and ring dips(at all). so in order to accomplish these as soon as possible i've decided on the following plan.

4x/ week to do the following IN ADDITION to the wod
10 deadhang (however i can...right now with a band because i'm just that cool)
10 weighted total pullups (can be sets or singles just depends on the weight that day)
3 static holds 1 min time- eventually will be at top, middle and bottom of pu

Ring dips- decided that instead of doing 10 total in warm up to do at a minimum 5x5

After a month I'll evaluate and see if it's helping anything or what needs to change.

10 deadhang (1-1-1-1-2-2-1-1)
5x5 ring dips (small band)
3 static holds for 1 min- all at bottom with lats engaged as if "trying" to pull. fyi- the first one is easy. the last one...not so much
**don't have a weight vest and not smart enough to do pu with a db between feet. will get vest soon***

Todays wod:
800 m run
thrusters 73#
800m run

one thing that's been on my mind for a while is that because i always use a womens bar (which i LOVE and won't give up...just try and take it from me) i never actually do the workouts rx'd. it's usually 2# less. well if 2# less "shouldn't make that much difference" neither should 3# more. plus it's always good to lift more weight :)