Tuesday, March 31, 2009

at least i went

so i might just be a big baby (it's very possible) but my upper body still just plain HURTS from sunday. like i can feel it when i'm standing still. wtf? there was NO chance i was doing the muscleup/hspu wod so i went with mainsite for various reasons.

1. i'd never done it- this is not necessarily a reason in favor of something. there's lots of things i've never done that i don't need to have experienced them to know they suck...ecstasy, peeing on an electric fence, getting shot with a beanbag shot gun
2. i like ghd situps- correction: i like SMALL amounts of ghd situps.
3. my abs weren't sore yet- actually that's not true. once i started doing these i realized they were sore but in comparison i didn't notice it.

Five rounds for time:
30 GHD situps
25 back extensions

fyi- that's a HORRIBLE time. i was down to sets of 3-5 reps by the second round. the only reason i'm not real upset is i did the work as opposed to taking an extra rest day (ah those are such pretty words). tomorrow is going to be "no jokes allowed day" because if you make me laugh i'll probably cry. and then shank you.

Monday, March 30, 2009

OHS- oh i love thee let me count thy ways

just fyi- i hate backsquat. HATE it. I'll do it but I HATE it. now that we're clear on that i can move on. i don't know what it is about taking the bar off the shoulders and raising it over your head while you squat that makes me enjoy it so much more. (it MAY be the fact that your legs never reach failure but that's hearsay).

normally I love overhead squats but due to the fact that i started getting sore about 4 hrs after the wod yesterday and got progressively worse to the point that it hurts to move my arms i was not too thrilled about today.

my biggest issue with ohs is getting the weight overhead. i was told that my arms are rotated too far forward when i start my push press so i was trying to keep them perpendicular to the floor. well the weight slid off my shoulders and when i went to pop it up it landed on my spine. OW. still hurts. at least it wasn't a heavy weight.

OHS 3-3-3-2-2-1-1-1-1-1


all failures are due to inability to get weight overhead. jason goes "you're not dropping underneath it. you may think you are but youre just push pressing". well...yes this is true. i wasn't even trying to jerk it. i guess that would make too much sense. let me try that....went up solid. wanted to try more but i was out of reps and figured it'd leave me "hungry" for next time.


There is nothing more beautiful than seeing 40 people in one gym working as hard as they possibly can. One of the bajillion reasons I love CF is the sense of community. Nothing bonds people faster than enduring a major suckfest together. You can't explain to someone else what you just went through unless they experienced it with you. And then later you can commiserate together about how unbelievably sore you are.

That's all part of it :)

TEAM WOD- 4/team only two can work at a time
200 pullups
300 burpees (SUCK)
400 kb swings
500 situps


Once again I hate burpees as they completely suck the life out of me. On the other hand, the pressure of having 20 other people doing pullups at the same time made me forget that I can't kip consecutive pullups and I think I got 6-7 in a row. Obviously this number was progressively less but I'll live. I guess what we perceive as limitations hold us back more than we know.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

rest WEEK

that's right baby...WEEK. i told hans i was going to do a 50-70% week and his response was to take a week off. DONE. so this whole week is about getting my joints/body to get the range of motion it should have without a whole bunch of pain and discomfort.

Monday I had my first visit with THE Dr. Kevin Jones, who is certified in ART (Active Release Technique). I don't really know the specifics in the magic he does but I know when I left my left arm could actually go behind my head when in the overhead position versus stopping naturally in front...which FYI is "fairly" important/standard for thrusters, press, push press and push jerk. Thank you sir I'll be back later this week.

Tuesday(wait that's today) I had my first visit with Ronti, a masseuse at Massage Envy. AHHHHHHH. You know let's be honest...I would like to leave a massage with all the knots worked out of my back/shoulders but holy FUCK...do you know how painful that is. They're not all gone, and there are plenty to still work on but at least they know they will have to take up residence somewhere else because this girl; quite likes getting massages. As long as they alternate between 'deep tissue' and nice touches. No happy ending thanks.

As far as working out....eh not so much. Monday I stretched. ALOT. For like thirty minutes which is about 300 times longer than I've stretched before. Also worked on deadhang pullups and ring dips. I am absolutely horrible at deadhang pullups. I can do three with the blue band when I'm fresh. That's it. I'm quickly down to singles..WITH THE BLUE BAND. Thus creating my newest obsession. (the ring dips will stay)

Today: stretched and then worked turkish get ups. Worked up to 50# on each side. 10# more than last time (or the only other time I've done this). I like these..might add them to the warm up like once a week or so. Or they could end up happening about as much as my posting or staying STRICT on my diet. :)

you can see why i'm bad at dieting...

...i start something full on and then it sort of starts dwindling. i actually have a valid excuse. i stopped using my computer because i can check all my websites from my phone now. for some reason i can't post on this thing though.


OHS 83x3 103x3 103x3 108x3(PR)- pretty sure i'm going to have to start doing more reps cause i ain't getting much more weigh overhead

Snatch 43x3 53x3 63x3 singles at 63- biggest problem is i have no idea what i'm doing wrong. with cleans i can usually tell you what i messed up on...snatch no f-ing idea

GRACE (30 clean and jerk for time)- me and grace arelikethistight. i love her...she doesn't always love me but that's okay. i'm alright with it being unrequited for now.

83# 5:32
last time was 6:22 @73#

21 deadlift 153#
800m run
15 dl
800m run
9 dl
800m run

this was hard. my core would tighten up on the runs, my hamstrings were screaming, the wind was not my friend, nor was the "slight hill you don't notice unless you're already dying" on the way back. oh well. what i AM happy about...i was actually sore in the correct places (hamstrings, lats) then only my lower back. woop woop.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

i love o-lifting

Actually I LOVE LOVE LOVE it. Just to make sure we're clear. I kind of thought today looked "ugh" when I saw the post. Well I was WRONG. I don't know if I just didn't go heavy enough on the hang squat clean wod or what but there wasn't one time where I wanted to cuss at anyone, I didn't tell anyone I hated them, nothing...very unlike me.

HSC -3 reps on the minute for 10 minutes
93# really thought this would be a good weight for me but the third rep was the only one that ever felt shitty and that's just cause I didn't stay tight in the bottom

PJ (5RM) 103 -pr. bitch.
apparently i just don't do 5rm very often because I had a hard time even finding the last time I did a 5RM. 93# for split jerk like 3 months ago and 88# for push jerk like 5 months ago. very happy to go triple digits.

happy get drunk and stupid day 3/17

i have yet to meet pukie during a wod which kind of makes me think that i'm just not pushing hard enough. because i've gotten damn close but it's never happened. today was one of the close days. thought it was coming right when i finished so i ran to the bathroom...nope. luckily i didn't eat before this or my pukie cherry would probably have been popped. the people that managed to drink beer after this workout are my heroes (well sort of) i just know it wouldn't have happened for me.

Run 400 m
50 box jumps (24" tire)
40 kb swings (1 pood)
30 pullups
20 pistols (assist)
10 hspu (band assist)
Run 400 m


I really like starting a minute in because I forget about it and then push that much harder because I think I'm going slow.

Monday, March 16, 2009

snatch is not the enemy

i seriously spent more energy arguing over not wanting to work on snatch in the past few months than i have done anything else. eventually i get sick of protesting and just decided...i guess it's time.

i am LOVING overhead squats right now. i think it's the shoes...at least that's what i've decided. i feel like these are only limited by how much weight i can get overhead. might have to start working sets higher than three till i can get more weight up.

weighted pullups on the straight bar....eh. they're necessary which is all that matters sometimes. don't mind them except the vest STINKS.

OHS 83x3 93x3 103x3 108x2 tried to do more but couldn't get it overhead.

Snatch- lots of singles at 43# for technique
43x3 53x3 53x3
feels real light but i'm okay with that for now ;)

WPU 11x3 11x3 11x2 11x1

Running Grace (MY FAVORITE)
5:32 (PR) last time 6:13

not doing it unless i start deviating from what i have been eating cause it's all the same. i will put up if i cheat just to keep me accountable

Overhead walk of death

Every once in a while you see a wod and think "that looks fun." Insert buzzer sound....wrong answer. I debated doing this rx'd at 73# vs 63# for about 20 minutes before I started. I'm glad I did it rx'd but holy eff. Switched back and forth between snatch grip which was much easier on the shoulders but hurt wrists and more of a push press grip that felt better on wrists but was much less stable and tired out shoulders quicker. Dang...that one was a gut check. Set a sub 20 min and 200 squats goal. I think I hit it. Really made me push harder towards the end so I guess sometimes goals help...jk.

1/2 bodyweight OH 800M
and for an added bonus do 20 squats everytime the weight drops.

19:58 rx'd(73#) -200 squats


Kill me now. Okay maybe not since this was three days ago but daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn. That wod sucked. Period.

5 rds of
20 wallballs 12# @10 ft
10 ring dips (skinny band)

I did not realize how much effect one exercise was going to have on the other. Second round was a flippin wake up call like no other. I missed the target FOUR times before I realized okay this is going to take a little more.

I woke up the next day feeling like my pectoral muscles were going to rip.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

go light to get heavy

so i've about hit my limits with the starting strength programming. most of my lifts have pretty much plateaued at a certain weight. i read somewhere to lower weights by going to about 80% of 1 RM and really focus on form. like on deadlift making sure hips and shoulders rise at the same time or when pressing make sure you're tight everywhere from your toes up...you know all the shit that you tend to forget when it's pushing your limits and you just start grunting. supposedly if you lower the weight and get back to your form then when you start moving up ideally you'll be able to move more weight than before. i'm happy to be the guinea pig.

FS 123x3 123x3 123x3
SP 63x3 68x1 68x3 (i hate shoulder press...really need to buy fractionals because 5# is a BIG difference)
DL 153x3 173x3 173x3 -DL form felt really solid for once.

Ring dips 5x5 with skinny black band
ring dips and pullups are going to be heavy focus for a while. especially if i'm going to get a muscle up in 09 ;)

30 HSPU (band assisted)

200 double unders 5:13
would like to try with shoes that stay tied and pants that don't fall down

(waited far too long to eat...stomach was growling)
1800 5P/3C/10F
5 oz steak
dill pickles
sugar free choc

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

the real f word

the first time i did fran it was with 45#thrusters and jumping pullups. it was the worst four minutes and thirty nine seconds of my life. but i remember leaving thinking...if i can just someday do this rx'd i will be the happiest person ever.

the first time i did it with the rx'd weight it took me ten minutes and it brought the suck factor to a whole new level. today i did my first legit rx'd fran. (i'd done one with questionable pullups right when i was finally getting pullups down). i should be ecstatic right?

the competitive nature of crossfit pushes you to do better than you think you ever could. people that thrive in that environment have a strong desire to "win". which can be a good thing because it pushes you even more...if you don't believe this workout on your own a few times vs with someone who is fairly well matched with you. my problem with it is when you aren't happy with your successes if they're not as good as someone else's success. that's just stupid. so i'm going to quit going over all the things i could do next time to be faster(ah if i could only kip consecutively) and instead let the girl from 10 months ago be happy she did it rx'd.

thrusters 63#
6:28 (PR)

oddly enough, this is a tie for time using this weight and that one was with jumping pullups.

0830 3P/2C/5-6F
2 eggs
3 slices turkey bacon
2/3 banana

(long break but i was sleeping)

1430 2P/6F
2 oz string cheese

1800 3P/2C/7F
3 oz steak
1 c. green beans
sugar free dark choc

2200 2P/2C/5F
2 oz string cheese
1 c. grapes

0100 2P/7F
2 oz string cheese

0430 3P/3F
2 eggs
2 slices bacon

Monday, March 9, 2009

love/hate relationship

when it comes to learning a new movement in cf i either hate it or love it. i can't think of anything that i'm impartial to. clean and jerk? love. burpees? hate. handstands? love. back squat. hate. i could keep going if you need.

what i've noticed though is when you have something you hate specifically because you can't do it. well when you CAN do it...it becomes a love simply because you can do it. i used to hate workouts with pullups in (which is a lot) because i didn't like having to scale now i love them just because i can put rx'd biatch. (the biatch might be silent but i'm usually thinking it) :)

double unders also fell in this category. another thing i was certain i was NEVER going to figure out. guess what...work at it and you'll shock the hell out of yourself.

double unders

8:20 (PR) previous 11:10

forgot that we started at the one minute mark so for about a half hour i thought my time was 9:20 and i was happy enough. then i realized it was 8:20 and i was PUMPED. i've never pr'd a workout twice with the same workout :)

HSPU- 12 hs holds. trying to catch up from yesterday...shoulder still iffy. spent a lot of time upside down and my head hurts. bad.

1200 3P/3C/5F
turkey tacos
dill pickles
sugar free choc

1700 3P/2C/3F(?)
2 oz steak (it was overdone otherwise it'd be more. i don't eat a 2 0z steak)
bite of lobster
1 delicious cheddar bay biscuit
5 fries
i'm guessing on the fat just from butter

2200 2P/2C/10F
2 oz string cheese
dill pickles
sugar free choc

Saturday, March 7, 2009


snatch balance is a weird thing. it kind of goes against what crossfit enforces. might be one of the first times you have to think about not using any body momentum to move the bar but just get underneath it. oh well i'll work on it.

Snatch balance 1-1-1, etc

33-43-53-63(?)- 53-53-43

weight was not my friend in this. tried to have someone watch the whole time to make sure i wasn't pushing the weight up but it's a tricky little thing.

Pullup ladder

12 rds 12/13. Got 13 at the minute mark or a second after. Should've started a new minute but had one solid rip and one in training so decided against it.

HSPU- so far 5 (3 assist)

Friday, March 6, 2009

a new kind of cluster

WOD: DB cluster ladder. Huh? I'm sorry what's that? When I say something is a cluster I mean that this situation is all kinds of jacked up. DB cluster= clean +thruster. Ahhhhhhhh I see.

This workout was one of the first ones to surprise me in a while. Usually I don't underestimate wods but I think I did so with this one do to the dumbbell factor. A 60# clean is not very heavy. A 60# thruster is still not very heavy. Do them with dumbbells...wtf was that? Oh yeah that's right I'm going to have to stabilize these more...interesting. I think twice I cleaned it and actually dropped one of the dumbbells back on the floor. Well done Shanna.

Still better than Murph. (Except now I do want to do Murph again so I can see if my time improves. I'm sure if I take a minute this feeling will pass) Twice in less than a month is too much for me. I'll give it a little while.

DB cluster ladder
8 rds completed as rx'd

Didn't start 9th rd...I know I know but guess what....hush.

FOOD- may be a few more blocks than normal due to longer day
1230 3P/1C/4F
2 eggs
2 turkey bacon
1/2 apple

1730 4P/3C/8F
4 oz steak
1 c. green beans
sugar free dark choc

2130 3P/1C/6F
turkey tacos

2330 2P/2C/4F
2 oz string cheese

0130 2P/??F
2 oz string cheese

really hungry today. hopefully it will balance out soon.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

because i want to

as stated previously...I love Crossfit. i love the methodology and what it does for you. one of the many (i quit saying one of the main because there's just so many) things I like is that you do shit you don't want to do all the time. that's what you're told to do so you do it. it's hard and you'd NEVER choose to do it on your own but that's just another reason why cf works. because you have to work on your goats if you want them to get better.

however there's something to be said for the mental aspect of taking a day at the gym and doing something you choose to. I want to do this, I don't want to do that, that doesn't sound fun to ME so I'm not going to. (by the way i'm capitalizing the i's in that sentence for once for a reason). last night i was all pumped to go to the gym. i knew what my workout was going to be, i was excited, etc. i got there and i got the weight over my head and i'm like...shit this is heavy. that doesn't feel good. i don't want to pick that up again. then i tried to clean a moderate weight...wait that feels heavy too. maybe this isn't the best day for this. i argued about my metcon for like two minutes. guess what...it still sucked. but IIIIIIIIII chose it so I was happy. some days that's all you need.

83x3 93x3 98x3 103x3
the heavier it gets the better it feels. could've went up more but oh well next time

inside out tabata l-sit
3x10 hanging leg raises

3 rds for time:
2 rope climbs
15 GHD situps
9:30 (i think)

okay by the way....don't smoke your core before you do rope climbs and GHD's. that's stupid. the first two rope climbs felt AWESOME, next two felt decent, last two felt like death took me half of the wod at least. note to self- four rope climbs per wod is the limit :)

HSPU buy in: did two unasissted 1/2 rom, 1 max hold (47 sec), 10 assisted (blue/green band), four assisted (blue/skinny black band)

decided to use blue/skinny black band for challenge. it seems like that would get me closest to getting a real one.

FOOD- here we go

peach margarita
chips and queso
6 sweet bbq wings
marble slab sweet cream ice cream with cookie dough and fudge
(once again...because i want to)

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

i collapsed

I love working out to "Till I Collapse" by Eminem it might be my favorite song for getting sweaty...it's definitely top five. Well today I actually did collapse but not quite in the same way. Knew front squat wasn't going to be good from the start...just felt heavy the whole time. I did l-o-v-e my shoes as I felt I was attached to the damn floor. The first time trying 143# I got partway up but got forward. The second time I got to the bottom and my core was DONE. Never even started moving up...ah well it's hard to do this shit on your own.

Front Squat 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
103-123-128-133-138 (pr)-143 (f)x2

did this little diddy from pmenu
28" box jumps
1.5 pd kb swings


bj's were supposed to be midthigh and kb swings were supposed to be 40% bw. both were real close. i have discovered tall bj's (just for you hans) terrify me. i think i'm going to jump about six times before i actually do the first time. after that they're sweeeeeeeeeet.

1430 2P/2C/4F
2 oz string cheese

1830 4P/2.5C/7F
4 oz steak
1/2 apple
dill pickles
sugar free chocolate

3/2/090- maybe i don't completely hate snatch

for the first time in my life...i enjoyed snatch. (get your mind out of the gutter). i was pretty bummed when i saw the wod because i LOVE helen but am no fan of snatch. however i was pleasantly surprised.

3 rds for time:
400m run (shuffle may be more appropriate)
21 snatch (43#)
12 pullups


holy f i could NOT catch my breath. first wod since kelly where i seriously considered walking so i could try to breathe again

1900 5P/2C/7F
5 oz steak
dill pickles
sugar free choc

0100 2P/2C/6F
2 oz string cheese

0430 3P/7F
2 eggs
2 pieces bacon

diet got kind of jacked due to work...such is life i guess. still within blocks...little low on fats.