Tuesday, March 31, 2009

at least i went

so i might just be a big baby (it's very possible) but my upper body still just plain HURTS from sunday. like i can feel it when i'm standing still. wtf? there was NO chance i was doing the muscleup/hspu wod so i went with mainsite for various reasons.

1. i'd never done it- this is not necessarily a reason in favor of something. there's lots of things i've never done that i don't need to have experienced them to know they suck...ecstasy, peeing on an electric fence, getting shot with a beanbag shot gun
2. i like ghd situps- correction: i like SMALL amounts of ghd situps.
3. my abs weren't sore yet- actually that's not true. once i started doing these i realized they were sore but in comparison i didn't notice it.

Five rounds for time:
30 GHD situps
25 back extensions

fyi- that's a HORRIBLE time. i was down to sets of 3-5 reps by the second round. the only reason i'm not real upset is i did the work as opposed to taking an extra rest day (ah those are such pretty words). tomorrow is going to be "no jokes allowed day" because if you make me laugh i'll probably cry. and then shank you.

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