Wednesday, March 11, 2009

go light to get heavy

so i've about hit my limits with the starting strength programming. most of my lifts have pretty much plateaued at a certain weight. i read somewhere to lower weights by going to about 80% of 1 RM and really focus on form. like on deadlift making sure hips and shoulders rise at the same time or when pressing make sure you're tight everywhere from your toes know all the shit that you tend to forget when it's pushing your limits and you just start grunting. supposedly if you lower the weight and get back to your form then when you start moving up ideally you'll be able to move more weight than before. i'm happy to be the guinea pig.

FS 123x3 123x3 123x3
SP 63x3 68x1 68x3 (i hate shoulder press...really need to buy fractionals because 5# is a BIG difference)
DL 153x3 173x3 173x3 -DL form felt really solid for once.

Ring dips 5x5 with skinny black band
ring dips and pullups are going to be heavy focus for a while. especially if i'm going to get a muscle up in 09 ;)

30 HSPU (band assisted)

200 double unders 5:13
would like to try with shoes that stay tied and pants that don't fall down

(waited far too long to eat...stomach was growling)
1800 5P/3C/10F
5 oz steak
dill pickles
sugar free choc

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