Wednesday, March 4, 2009

because i want to

as stated previously...I love Crossfit. i love the methodology and what it does for you. one of the many (i quit saying one of the main because there's just so many) things I like is that you do shit you don't want to do all the time. that's what you're told to do so you do it. it's hard and you'd NEVER choose to do it on your own but that's just another reason why cf works. because you have to work on your goats if you want them to get better.

however there's something to be said for the mental aspect of taking a day at the gym and doing something you choose to. I want to do this, I don't want to do that, that doesn't sound fun to ME so I'm not going to. (by the way i'm capitalizing the i's in that sentence for once for a reason). last night i was all pumped to go to the gym. i knew what my workout was going to be, i was excited, etc. i got there and i got the weight over my head and i'm like...shit this is heavy. that doesn't feel good. i don't want to pick that up again. then i tried to clean a moderate weight...wait that feels heavy too. maybe this isn't the best day for this. i argued about my metcon for like two minutes. guess still sucked. but IIIIIIIIII chose it so I was happy. some days that's all you need.

83x3 93x3 98x3 103x3
the heavier it gets the better it feels. could've went up more but oh well next time

inside out tabata l-sit
3x10 hanging leg raises

3 rds for time:
2 rope climbs
15 GHD situps
9:30 (i think)

okay by the way....don't smoke your core before you do rope climbs and GHD's. that's stupid. the first two rope climbs felt AWESOME, next two felt decent, last two felt like death took me half of the wod at least. note to self- four rope climbs per wod is the limit :)

HSPU buy in: did two unasissted 1/2 rom, 1 max hold (47 sec), 10 assisted (blue/green band), four assisted (blue/skinny black band)

decided to use blue/skinny black band for challenge. it seems like that would get me closest to getting a real one.

FOOD- here we go

peach margarita
chips and queso
6 sweet bbq wings
marble slab sweet cream ice cream with cookie dough and fudge
(once again...because i want to)


  1. 103x3 on OHS?!!! Dang!
    and..I knew you loved those rope climbs!

    What's up with the FOOD? Makes me ready for the end of Lent--long way to go though.

  2. i have no reason except with paul gone i am getting a bunch of social invites and can't say no. if i would buy groceries it would probably help my desire to go out to eat
