Monday, March 16, 2009

snatch is not the enemy

i seriously spent more energy arguing over not wanting to work on snatch in the past few months than i have done anything else. eventually i get sick of protesting and just decided...i guess it's time.

i am LOVING overhead squats right now. i think it's the least that's what i've decided. i feel like these are only limited by how much weight i can get overhead. might have to start working sets higher than three till i can get more weight up.

weighted pullups on the straight they're necessary which is all that matters sometimes. don't mind them except the vest STINKS.

OHS 83x3 93x3 103x3 108x2 tried to do more but couldn't get it overhead.

Snatch- lots of singles at 43# for technique
43x3 53x3 53x3
feels real light but i'm okay with that for now ;)

WPU 11x3 11x3 11x2 11x1

Running Grace (MY FAVORITE)
5:32 (PR) last time 6:13

not doing it unless i start deviating from what i have been eating cause it's all the same. i will put up if i cheat just to keep me accountable

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