Monday, March 30, 2009

OHS- oh i love thee let me count thy ways

just fyi- i hate backsquat. HATE it. I'll do it but I HATE it. now that we're clear on that i can move on. i don't know what it is about taking the bar off the shoulders and raising it over your head while you squat that makes me enjoy it so much more. (it MAY be the fact that your legs never reach failure but that's hearsay).

normally I love overhead squats but due to the fact that i started getting sore about 4 hrs after the wod yesterday and got progressively worse to the point that it hurts to move my arms i was not too thrilled about today.

my biggest issue with ohs is getting the weight overhead. i was told that my arms are rotated too far forward when i start my push press so i was trying to keep them perpendicular to the floor. well the weight slid off my shoulders and when i went to pop it up it landed on my spine. OW. still hurts. at least it wasn't a heavy weight.

OHS 3-3-3-2-2-1-1-1-1-1


all failures are due to inability to get weight overhead. jason goes "you're not dropping underneath it. you may think you are but youre just push pressing". well...yes this is true. i wasn't even trying to jerk it. i guess that would make too much sense. let me try that....went up solid. wanted to try more but i was out of reps and figured it'd leave me "hungry" for next time.


  1. You are CRAZY! Loving OHS? I don't think that will EVER happen for me. You got my 1 rep PR on your 3 rep. Sick. I would like to get to a weight where I could say "my biggest issue is getting the weight overhead". I just can't keep solid enough to squat with it. So, I'll stick with my nice, safe back squat, though I'm not doing as much weight there as I think I should.

    Anyway--that is my rant.

    You were a great partner on Sunday's workout, by the way...and I didn't realize that you weren't linking your pull ups before--nothing like some pressure to get that going, huh! I agree about the life sucking burpees, and as my friend Barry says, "burpees are of the devil".

  2. burpees ARE the devil. i like this barry guy.

    let's make a deal. you do back squats for me(since you're doing the same or more weight than i was when i was doing them 1-2/week!) and i'll do your overhead squats. back squat is just SO exhausting when it takes 5 seconds to stand the thing back up and your moving about 2 inches per second.
