Saturday, March 7, 2009


snatch balance is a weird thing. it kind of goes against what crossfit enforces. might be one of the first times you have to think about not using any body momentum to move the bar but just get underneath it. oh well i'll work on it.

Snatch balance 1-1-1, etc

33-43-53-63(?)- 53-53-43

weight was not my friend in this. tried to have someone watch the whole time to make sure i wasn't pushing the weight up but it's a tricky little thing.

Pullup ladder

12 rds 12/13. Got 13 at the minute mark or a second after. Should've started a new minute but had one solid rip and one in training so decided against it.

HSPU- so far 5 (3 assist)


  1. getting strong with those pull ups.

  2. thanks homeboy. "remind" me (NICELY) to use the straight bar most of the time from now till may.
